Monday, 4 April 2016

QOTW #7: Being alive

I've put quotes from my favourite books and musicals, but a thing I haven't talked about a lot is my favourite TV series - and believe me, I'm almost as obsessed with it as I am with LesMis. It has to be Doctor Who. I love the amazing job it does with praising humanity, the small brilliant things about the human condition. I love how it brings hope, joy and pain equally. I love how it underlines the importance of small abilities that one may have, and how they can save the world. You get REALLY invested emotionally with it and it has helped me through so much.

And this is my favourite quote from the whole series. It's actually not the first one I've written, because I managed to fit one into my last post, "We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one!", remember? Doctor Who just manages to speak to my soul!

This quote is SO important to me and I live my life by it (I did even before having heard it!). I've told you before how I think feeling everything deeply is a huge part of my personality, and it explains a lot about me. When I'm happy, I'm really happy, and when I'm sad, I'm really sad. I don't stay in between. And everything gets me all the time; maybe that's why when I like something I'm quickly obsessed with it!

I used to see this as a curse, because I kept wondering why I seemed to be sadder than most people I knew. But then I realised there was a beauty in it. I was sadder; but I was also happier. I was living EVERYTHING as much as it could be lived. I was giving life my all. And that meant I was so alive. When this quote came to me, it was like heaven-sent. If feeling everything deeply is being alive, boy do I agree that this is the best thing there is! And letting it get to you is exactly that. You feel pain because it matters. And allowing yourself to be vulnerable enough for something to matter this much is taking a risk, but in the end, I also find this a huge part of life.

You can't live your life halfways. You only get one chance. And you have to give it your all. At least, that's how I see it. And at least, that's what I'm going to do.

A big big hug!



  1. wow, really powerful post, thought provoking! Doctor Who is so good!! My brother loves it & knows so much about the show xx

    1. Tell your brother he has amazing taste! Hahaha It gives you so much to think about :) Thanks! xx

  2. Hey Acqua
    I'm so sorry for not reading and commenting your blog :(((
    It is sooo lovely how could I?!!! Stupid me! So I love how you werote this post and Overall your quotes of the week :) Maybe I will also do it someday? Only if it's ok :P
    So I'm gonna read some stuff now and then you can read some other comments too, haha
    :**** xxx

    1. Don't worry! We're all busy, and it's hard to keep track when we have our blogs on different platforms :) You can absolutely do it, I don't have copyright or anything hahaha Thank you so much! xx

  3. I loved this post, I need to start living my life now instead of planning stuff xx

    1. Absolutely! I find it hard too, but in the end it's really worth it ^^ Thanks! xx

  4. I love loads of quotes from Doctor Who. I came across a post on the Doctor Who instagram quite a while ago that has my favourite quote on it: "We're all stories in the end. Life depends on change and renewal." It featured the regeneration of the Eleventh Doctor into the Twelfth.

    1. All Doctor Who quotes are so good! I'm honestly in love with it ^^ Thanks, I'll check it out! xx

  5. Hey Acqua, I absolutely love this post. Kind of related, but sometimes I think it's strangely weird to just... be alive. I don't know how to describe it... it's like, you just pause at one moment in your life and think, "well, I'm alive. And that's weird. so I better make the most of it."
    aghh, I don't know how to put it in words, though I'm sure you could do a much better job than me at this...
    xo Hanna
    (wow, I just ramble on and on forever, don't I?)

    1. Thank you so much! It is, right? I totally get it! I love long comments hahaha xx

  6. I've never seen doctor who, but maybe i should start watching it. what a deep quote. it speaks so much volume, in such few words. we cant always feel happy and we cant always feel pain. that's just how life goes and we have to accept it. nothing last forever...

    have a great week.


    1. Everybody should watch iiiiit hahaha Right? Same to you, thanks! xx

  7. What a great quote! I tend to live by YOLO - it makes me do everything that otherwise I'm too scared to do!

    1. YOLO can be understood in many ways though, you have to be careful! Still, I don't know why I say it, I know you'll take the best part of it ^^ xx

  8. I have never watched Doctor who, but i think from now on i should start watching it :) I do agree about getting only one chance in life :)

    1. Yaaaay! I have to warn you though: the first episodes are not particularly good hahaha But once you get past them it's the best thing ever! xx

  9. I love the shade Acqua. This shade used to be my favorite. Hehe. Been a violet addict, but then again fell in love with red and that changed. Haha. But this is just so nice. <3

    Spices + Everything Nice |

    1. I think you meant to comment on the Maybelline post hahaha it's okay though! I love it though! ^^ xx
